The last time we celebrated Haakem's birthday was in 2006 but even that was not a proper party. I bought a Sceret Recipe's cake and brought it to my aunt's house where there was a makan-makan do and Haakem blew the candles with my sister Angel whose birthday is also in November.Last year, it was just a family dinner outside.
This year, I decided to throw him a surprise birthday party at school. The last we had that while he was attending year 2 at Kindergarten.
I made last minutes preparation. I took the afternoon off on Thursday 6th, heading straight to Jusco to get his present and goodies for the goodies bags and headed down to the supermarket to get the foodstuff and packaging materials. I arrived home and was relieved to see him napping that I smuggled everything into my room and hid them under the bed while the wet foodstuff went straight into the fridge.
After isya' prayer, I locked myself in the room, filling the goodie bags with carton milk, raisins, smarties, some sweets, balloons and toys. Only 20 of them as there are only 19 kids in his class, him included. An extra one for Millie, of course. Mak Yah cooked and prepared the coconut milk jelly.
Before bed, I soaked the dried mihun (vermicelli noodles), 5 packets of them totalling 2kgs.
At 7.00am, I kissed Haakem goodbye and saw him off to school, wishing him a happy birthday. I called his Guru Penolong Kanan to inform her of the surprise party and she was thrilled.
After Haakem was off, I started preparing the fried chicken drummets and fried Singapore Beehoon. I finished packing (in individual containers for the kids - noodles and drummets) and in a large container for the teachers (noodles and cut jelly).
After taking my shower and hubby helping to load the stuff into the car, we took Millie with us and drove to my office to collect the pre-ordered birthday cake (moist chocolate) and headed to Haakem's school.
They have just finished their 10.30am break, so while the kids were still assemblying before coming back to the classroom, we brought the stuff upstairs with the help of Haakem's GPK.
Enough said, my 9 year old son had tears in his eyes when he saw us, with the goodies.....
he was thrilled beyond words!!
His classmates were happy and food was completely gone in an hour's time.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAAKEM. Semoga jadi anak yang solleh dan berjaya dalam hidup dunia dan akhirat... Ameen!!!