Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

My Photo
Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Friday 11 January 2008

Millie Millie......

She's been having mildly-high temperature on & off since 2nd January 2008 and last Tuesday she was at her worst that I had to insert the medication into her anus. She recovered almost instantly but the fever came back after 12 hours, but rather mild. But as long as she's eating well, dirtying her nappies and maintain her jovial cheeky self, I am not worried. What worries us is her non-stop crying at some nights...... around 1-2 am.... Everyone put it to her commanding extra attention because she'll soon no longer be the youngest child. I just cannot imagine loving Millie less, just like I never imagine and never would love Haakem less......

Hmmm...... I guess I'll just have to pamper her more...... my little cheeky darling angel!

Milli'e Aqeeqah Done... Finally

6th January 2008, around 100 families and friends (those we invited mostly came) gathered at our apartment for Millie's Jamuan Aqeeqah, long overdue. She's well passed her 16 months. I have much earlier decided that I was not going to cook the main meal for the feast. We called for catering service instead (only the cooking part, with the aqeeqah beef supplied by us). We used plastic plates, cups, forks & spoons too to save on cleaning time. Our caterer prepared nasi minyak, beef korma, ayam merah madu, dalca and jelatah (acar timun/nenas). They were delivered at 10.30am, earlier than promised.
I prepared potato salad and the cold and hot drinks, my aunt made kuih kaswi and we also served fruits, kuih bahulu and kuih ros. The first guests arrived at 2.00pm and it peaked at around 3.00pm. A beautiful breezy afternoon so everyone had a "cooling" time. I kept on refilling food and until the last guests arrived at 4.30pm, I was rather exhausted and had not got a bite to eat except an apple and a slice of melon. Truth was, I had a splitting headache and not feeling well. But I was really satisfied!!
At 7 pm everyone has left and Bibik finished clearing up by 8.00pm. The aftermath, all that was left was a bowl of nasi minyak and a small dish of acar timun. The rest... finished!! Alhamdulillah!!!
All of us then went to the clinic. Haakem had her runny nose (in the mornings) checked and as I expected it is rhinitis. The doctor prescribed some antihistamine. My aunt had her BP checked and it was 110/70. I had my temperature (38.1), BP (120/70), throat & chest checked. Fever, cough... given one day MC and more calcium, folic acid and other medications.
Hubby left for Pergau around 10.30pm. We all went to bed by 12.00 midnight........
A successful day, indeed!! Thank you to all friends (KN, Izah, Adzam, Mat Garn, Kamal) and families who came. And to those I had to not invite, insya Allah, your turn will come, this year......

Wednesday 2 January 2008

It's The New Year (and a Leap One Too!!)

Pix: Fireworks display outside our kitchen/second bedroom windows, of the KLCC & Bukit Bintang


2007 was quite a year! Personally, I accomplished quite a lot, Alhamdulillah....

I hope for a good year ahead and for sure I shall be enjoying the first 8 months carrying a little one inside my belly (I now have every reason not to hide the round tummy!!).

I pray for the best that Allah see fit for myself, my children, my hubby, my aunt, my mom, my siblings, nephews & nieces, sahabats, friends and all the Muslims in the World.