Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Thursday 25 September 2008

CHRONICLES: 12th August 2008

After spending an hour in bed, I had my breakfast (I was surprised that I was given yellow noodles despite the fact that I was supposed to be on diet control for the GDM. I was even given sugar sachets for my Milo... hmmmmmm......, which I didn't take of course!)

To my surprise, I started my contractions around 9.30am, which is much earlier then expected. At 10.30am it became stronger that I called hubby asking him to come immediately. Dr Ferry who earlier said that the baby is bigger than 3.5kg started teasing me about C-section). Earlier his supervisor said it would be 3.4kg but baby's head is engaged so I didn't have to worry). Another "specialist" was a bit on the daunting side, having everyone overly worried about my GDM, retained placenta, big baby (she said it is 3.6kg) and possible C-section and/or blood transfusion for the retained placenta problem.... and my age too... she had the cheek to say that "considering her being elderly...." WHAT???? Dr Ferry told me that he would have my membrane ruptured at 12.00.

They weren't comforting at all except for one Chinese male doctor (Dr. Tan). I started walking around the ward.

Hubby arrived around 11.30am and started to massage my back. At 12.00 no doctor came and the contractions got stronger and more regular by 1.00pm that I asked hubby to walk me to the nurses' station and I asked the doctor for a VE. I saw a note on the notice board that I shall have my membrane ruptured at 2.00pm. I was only 3cm opened and was told to walk some more and came back at 2.00pm.

I was sitting in bed with hubby massaging my back and reciting prayers for me, when at 2.15 pm I heard a small thud from inside me. I got up and lo and nehold!! My membrane ruptured and I was leaking a lot!!! Hubby called the nurse and I was wheelchaired to the exam room. I was in real pain!!

VE by Dr Tan showed 5 cm and he inserted the speculum to enable him to check the membrane. All cleared.They called the labour room to prepare to receive me. The clock showed 2.25pm. I was going to be transferred to another bed to be pushed to the labour room when I felt a strong urge to poop. Hubby came in to assist Dr Tan to carry me to the bed!!! The baby's head was almost out but I was told to hold and lay on my side while being pushed FI speed to the labour room. I was told to push seconds after being transferred to the delivery bed. Seconds later, my little baby girl is out at 2.33pm. 5 minutes after being examined...

I asked them to be extra careful with my placenta and Allah's will allowed it to be delivered complete. Alhamdulillah... I told them to check several times though. It was a 700g placenta.

Hubby was there all the way and after they cleaned baby up, hubby recited the azan and was told to wait outside while they stitched me. I was stitched by an Iranian Dr Rozita and SN Azizah, and the examining doctor was an Iranian Dr Justin. I started breastfeeding my baby during the stitching, assisted by the nurse. At 3,30pm they finished cleaning me up and hubby came in for our bonding session. I had my Milo and some biscuits. Baby's weight is 3.2kg and Apgar score was 9/10, just like Millie's. Haakem's was 8/10 for I had difficulty pushing him.

At 5.00pm I was wheeled to the ward. Hubby went back to fetch members of my household. At 6.00pm I went the ladies to wee-wee and changed to my own sanitary towels. My close friend Izah arrived at 6.00pm with her daughter, and I was at the nurses' station chatting with the doctor. She asked it I have given birth and looked at my (smaller) tummy and was suprised that I was already walking around.

My aunt, Bibik, Millie and Haakem arrivd at 6.30pm and Hubby performed the tahnik (belah mulut) supervised by aunt, with the mashed date and zamzam water.

By Maghrib they left and I cleaned baby's wee and poo.


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