Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Friday 1 August 2008

Counting The Days.....

I went for my repeat BSP 4 times a day blood collection on 29th as instructed by the doctor during my check up on the 24th... all because of 0.2 higher than normal level of fasting blood sugar.... I also went for my appointment with the dietician on the 30th. I took the whole day off from work, coincidentally Haakem was down with fever and stayed away from school, so as he was feeling better in the afternoon, he accompanied to HUKM, together with 5 other GMD mothers listened to the badly prepared young Dietician (with terrible English pronunciation and horrible Malay) for an hour, asked several questions, discovering that the rest's BSP readings are all way higher than mine...... (readings of fasting blood sugar of 9, 11 as opposed to my 6.1 against the normal 5.9). ARGH!!!! After the session, I took Haakem to Jusco, not realising that they are on Sale!! We had tea at McD.. Got Haakem 2 pairs of new school pants, trackbottom, socks and briefs and 3 pairs of top/pants for Millie to wear at home.... we took the taxi home after that. HAPPY!!
On 31st I went for my weekly antenatal checkup, scheduled for between 9am-10am. I lost 2kgs in a week!! GULP!! My BP was 120/80 and urine was clear. The specialist I was supposed to see between 9-10am came in her room only at 11.30am, well, at least the O&G staff should have the decency to inform patients that the doctor has a workshop to attend and postpone our appointments an hour later, I'm sure the workshop WAS scheduled earlier than 31st July. Even if it is too much trouble to call and inform us (despite hundreds of notice asking the patients to inform the registration counter of changes in contact details), at least they should let us know when we register in the morning, a simple "Madam, the doctor is in a workshop and shall be in only at 11.00, you may go have breakfast/do other things and come back later, if you so wish", would suffice.
Anyhow, the first 2 numbers for the room were given to HUKM's staff, typical. During the third person's consultation I went to the ladies, check my sms's and made some calls to the office. They skipped no. 4 and my turn arrived around 12.10noon. Thank God, the doctor was nice and the attending nurse apologized on her behalf. I was attended to by a final year student (a shivering boy!!).
All the wait was worth while!! At least I am happy with this consultation. The doctor was not at all making me worried (sick rather) with my blood sugar. The fasting BS was high, again, she simply said, "so, don't fast, have something light before bed...". EXACTLY!!
My fundal height corresponds with my LMP EDD, so i took the opportunity to enquire on my revised EDD. She agreed that it would be wise to follow the original (LMP) EDD as it would mean 40 weeks or 38 weeks if based on REDD. She estimated the baby is now 2.5 kg (my ultrasound last week indicated that she is approx. 2.7kg). Therefore by the EDD she wouldn't be bigger than 3kg. She also made a note on the retained placenta history, which was a relief!
I shall be due for my next ANC on 7th August and she'll confirm on the date for admission by then, which tentatively would be 11th/12th for induce of labour on 12th, for delivery on 13th/14th, which is definitely according to my original EDD. She advised against giving birth during weekends for fear of lack of resources etc. Okies... no problem....
I sms'd hubby to warn him to arrange his schedules for the week commencing 11th August. I bought chicken rice for lunch (mine & Haakem) as my aunt was fasting.
I was on MC.... a total of 6 medical leave during this pregnancy (only one genuine sickness case, the rest are all for checkups and blood collections), with one more on the 7th....
So, there.... 12 more days to go........
Millie had a field day with Mama....... I couldn't sleep very well for the past 3 nights... I was sweating a lot... sweat was dripping from my hair... I need a haircut!!! QUICK!!!


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