Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Pigeons At The Window Sill

I am making a special post dedicated to all the pigeons, which come for their 3 times daily feedings at my kitchen window sill.
I can watch (and feed) them for hours... a habit I developed since Haakem was 2 years old.... thanks to my aunt who would be at home to feed the birds during the days... I only have my chance during weekends/public holidays.
Pigeons only eat "cooked" grains, so we only feed them a portion of the rice we cook, breads and crumbs.
There are occassional tiung (myna) and gagak (crow) too.
All my kids would also watch them, fascinated by them and call them "yung".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depa tak berak merata-rata ke? Anyways, be careful with the 'dung' for it emits sort of gas that could affect the nerve, so I was told. But honestly, I wish I can have pigeons coming to my home and be able to feed them with my kids too! Eheks!

12:07 pm  
Blogger Pootz in Boots said...

Yes Naj, pigeon (and birds and bats) dung released substantial amount of nitrogen which encouraged growth of sphores of a type of fungus found in the dung, which if inhaled, can lead to histoplasmosis which can cause complications in old people, babies and those with weak immune system.
The pigeons we feed do not poo all over but we make sure whatever things they leave behind (on the bathroom glass window, since we have it wide opened that it becomes a platform for the birdies to land on and sometimes spend the night there too), would be washed and flushed properly.

11:21 am  

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