Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Monday 23 June 2008

Haakem's Mid Year 3 Results

Haakem had his exam the week prior to the school break. I only had the chance of coaching his Science and English revisions. After the school re-opens, his school GPK Akademik informed me that his whole class's marks have dropped. He got back some papers and although he maintained his A's, the marks are not too satisfactory. On 19th June I went to collect his report card. He maintained his no. 2 position, got a B for his Maths and low A's for the rest except for Agama.
I discussed his marks compared to other students. Maths results were really worrying. Could it be the teacher?
I went through his Maths papers and was quite disappointed that most of his mistakes were careless ones. He could have scored 90+ had it not been for his carelessness. English paper was a bit tricky.
By the way, the top student in Haakem's class had to be in year 4 because she was (registered to be) born on 1st Jan 1999 and the Jabatan Pelajaran only realised it last month. Her parents mistake for not registering her earlier. They also made a huge fuss about the Jabatan's rulings but failed in their appeal for they couldn't produce the required papers. I hope with the girl's move, Haakem will be his class top scorer AND with high A's. His overall mark is only 15 points lesser than the first position's and the difference with the third position's is 30 points. I hope to coach his studying more effectively and diligently during my 60 day confinement.


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