Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Friday 27 March 2009

Moving Or Not? Part I

Why is moving office such a difficult decision to make?

Argh!!!!!! And why do we have some stupid ideas like the whole department moves office but the bboss stays behind with one assistant?

And why does a department as sensitive as Legal have to share a new office with admin staff the likes of drivers, despatch and tea ladies?

And why does a department who is the custodian of all legal documents have to move office leaving the very documents that they are guarding, behind?

When the new office is a self contained unit, just enough and comfortable to accomodate the eight member Legal Department, head and all plus all the files and documents?

When you have an incompetent person who cannot decide and manage and involved in many hanky pankies........ things like these happen... DUH!!!!


Anonymous Najwa Aiman said...

Huh? Moved? To where now le pulok?

9:21 pm  

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