Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Business Etiquette Seminar

I am stepping into being a dignified person...... walllaaaa.... I participated in the BE Seminar for 2 days (28th& 29th May). (Side-track - 28 Mei is harijadi TASOS, ingat la wei, sebab selalu celebrated). Back to the Seminar, it was all about how to do things properly, international standard.
I guess I knew most of the things and I have done most of the things correctly but there are a few things which were totally new to me, honest!!! I didn't know that applying lipstick at one's work desk is not good etiquette. I did that all the time (and mind you, I think it was not bad because I usually put my lipstick on without using any mirror or it is over in seconds). No one actually realise that I am doing it. It is not as if I am doing the whole make up regime!!
I know when I first joined the Company, we set up our code. The dress code, particularly, was of first class standard. No sleeveless, no mini skirts, no see through clothes, jackets and ties for meetings, court shoes all the way for the ladies, tidy hairstyles (read: long hairs to be tied in ponytails/buns, no "unnatural" colours, no singer hairdos), no short sleeves for the male executives and the list goes on...) and we were very particular about the punch card too.
But after a few years, when many new staff from other organisations came to join the Company, everything became heywire! We saw a lot of legs, arms, long hairs all over the place, a lot of jewelleries and clothes that people usually wear to discos or the market!!
And when we were taken over by a bigger Company, it was in a total wreck and the new Management thinks the worst of us all!!
But then again, we have the bosses to blame. The HoDs just don't give a shit.
So I hope the Business Etiquette Seminar will be made compulsory to everyone especially the big bosses.
And me? I have another certificate to add on to my folder and another line to write on my CV....


Blogger ...rux... said...

jacket gua fully utilised masa kat sana, kat opis lar nih...

kalo org tengok tak ubah cam pion hehehe i loike GLC

they gave me comfy pillow n mattress plus peacefull nite :D

12:38 am  

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