Pootz In Boots

Mine is a life worth living and if I could turn back the clock, I would play the same scene at the same speed with the same players... regrets? Of course I have some but that adds the colours to this life..

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Location: KL, Malaysia

Female (quite obvious, right?), married (for 17 years), have 4 kids - 2 boys aged 16 & 4, the latter we said goodbye to 8 minutes after birth and 2 girls aged 9 & 7. Clocked 18 years of working at the same establishment, into the 19th year (and then I am considered a museum artifact). Working line is doing stuff involving the laws, legal documents and playing with words.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

My Babies, My Life (Part I)

When I was 19, somebody foretold that I was going to have 4 boys and whenever we were fooling around with "methods of prediction", I would always be told that I will have 4 boys and I would be sad because I want at least a girl. Not that I believed in fortune telling... Truth is, I have always wanted 2 boys and 2 girls... but when I only got married at the age of 28, my expection reduced a bit, three kids would do.... when I gave birth 9 months after my wedding, it was up back to 4. After 5 years with no sign of being pregnant, without being on any contraceptive mode, I almost gave up, thinking that my son will be an only child all his life. My husband was also not too encouraging, from all aspects.

But Allah the great has answered my silent prayers.... sometimes around my 35th birthday, I became pregnant. It was really unexpected but somehow I knew I was pregnant. My son, Haakem was the first to know and come to think of it, he has a few months before that claimed that he is ready for a baby brother or sister. I guess, Allah granted me my wish only when the important people around me are ready too..... and then Haakem blurted the news to my aunt. He was so excited and started thinking of names already. My husband was the third person to know. I told my sisters a few days after that and my closest friends too.... everyone was so excited. I went for checkups and since I have a family history of diabetics, I asked to do the GTT at 3rd month. I had a regular fortnight check ups and was advised to control my diet which I did without any problem. It just happened naturally. Somehow I knew I was carrying a baby girl inside me...

I was admitted on Sept 2nd 2006 and was to be induced (since I was on the diabetic border case, so they don't want to risk it) and baby was also ready. The doctor inserted the tablet at 6.45 am but until 1.00 pm, my cervical opening is still at 2 cm. But all the while I was praying that I would not give birth before 3rd September because then I will need to take extra annual leave for Eid etc and Allah again granted my wish, my baby was born at 1.28 am on 4th Sept 2006. I started to feel the contractions at 7.00 pm on 3rd Sept and was all tears when my husband had to leave (end of visiting hours). At around 9.00 pm I perform my prayers and was so relief and felt so near to Allah. at 10.00 pm the nurse who checked me asked if I am okay and I told her I have started feeling the pain. I had tears but I wasn't sobbing. I just let the tears flowed... and the nurse checked my tummy and she expressed amazement that I was not screaming or calling for help because I was really having powerful contractions.

At 12.00 midmight, I went for VE and it was only still at 2 cm. But due to the strong contractions the doctor decided to rupture the membrane and that was really painful. Once ruptured, I was drenched with the fluid... I had to change my hospital gown and then went to clean my self... at 12.30 they monitored the baby and baby was feeling distressed. VE, 6 cm and I was brought to the labour room sometimes before 1 am. I tried calling my husband but he didn't pick up the phone. Earlier at 9.00 pm, I asked him to come and he said he would be at the ward by 10.00pm.... I was really sad when I had to go into the labour room without him knowing..... I just calm myself and told myself that Allah will always be on my side....

The labour room was packed! I was attended to by a nurse and she was really stern but it was a good thing else I would be too pampered. They prepared to deliver the baby. After one great push my baby gushed out of my belly at 1.28 am and was put on my tummy. She was grey and all cries. They sucked out all the mocus from her mouth. I asked if it's a boy or a girl and the nurse asked to check it myself. I checked and was very thankful to Allah... IT WAS A GIRL!!!! A beautiful girl!!! The other nurse took my baby away while I went on to the next stage. I told the nurse that I had retained placenta and had to undergo MRP during my first delivery. She just told me to pray that it is not retained this time... hmmm..... my mom who is a midwife with 27 years experience told me that once you have a retained placenta, it is a 99% chance that you will have it for subsequent deliveries. My placenta was out and I asked her if it is complete and she confirmed so.... she stitched me up and changed my gown.

I was out of the labour room by 2.10 am and my trolleybed was parked along the corridor together with 3 other mothers. I was given hot chocolate which I gulp in seconds. They put my baby, all cleaned and swaddled in green hospital cloth, next to me and pushed us back to bed at around 2.30 am. I called my husband and told him to come as my baby has not got the azan and prayers cited next to her little ears, yet. My baby was dressed by an assistant nurse.

Only half an hour later my husband and my mother arrived. My husband took my baby and cited prayers. My mom asked if it was a girl or a boy. I told her, it's Puti Kamaliah Zulaikha.... and my husband was smiling brightly... all the while thinking that it would be a boy. After I positioned my baby for breastfeeding while lying down, I asked my husband to give my legs massage. After half an hour, they left .... and I was there alone with my baby next to me... my beautiful baby girl.... my Millie.....
(to be continued)


Blogger Miss J said...

pootz, i have tears in my eyes. this is so touching. you're an amazing person. i am glad i am lucky enough to have the pleasure of being your friend.

12:20 pm  

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